You can also choose between countless cyberware Items on your suit and equip any that fits your strategy for each level. Upgrading the Gavel always felt satisfying. Everything within the Gavel weapon can be upgraded to the Max with the money you make by confiscating containers from each level.
#Cyberware jydge game mods
Fire Mods comes with countless bullets to unlock and choose from such as Shot Gun Shells and Plasma with each having its own strengths and weaknesses. Special weapons such as a Rocket Launcher will help you destroy larger enemies but they have limited use per level so you have to use them wisely.

The amount of customizing is impressive, your weapon is called the Gavel and it is filled with different configurations that you can equip. The more objectives you complete the more medals and money you earn. The objectives are fun, and they never felt repetitive. Rescue the hostages, loot all the containers and Exit in 20 seconds are just some of the objectives that I came across. Before each mission, you are given different objectives that you can complete. Each Chapter is divided into 5 sections separated across the map. The more I played, the more I appreciated how deep the game is. The game starts simple, by introducing you to its mechanics, Mood and setting. Your job is to eliminate crime in the City of Edenbyrg and rescue the hostages with any means necessary. The first thing I noticed about the gameplay is how smooth everything runs, you really feel the love and care that 10tons Ltd put into the game with small details that added to the overall experience. JYDGE is there latest game, a futuristic top-down Cop Shooter.

My personal favorite is Crimsonland, an intense and addictive game that I enjoyed playing with friends. They have a great collection of unique titles. is an independent games developer based in Tampere, Finland.