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Superpower 2 editor has stopped working

superpower 2 editor has stopped working

On Saturday night, Dugina had reportedly been attending a festival with her father and had been using his car when the bomb detonated. Like her father, Dugina also worked as a propagandist for the Russian government and, according to Ukrinform, maintained a Telegram account that she used to voice support for the invasion of Ukraine. He also claimed that the bombing could be related to conflicts between groups in Russia with differing political and ideological stances, Ukrinform reported. Podolyak further claimed that Russia is attempting to escalate tensions with Ukraine to justify a bigger, more explicit military rollout. Above, a representational image of the Ukrainian flag above the parliament building in Kyiv. The Ukrainian government has denied having any hand in the recent death of Darya Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, a major Russian propagandist and Putin ally. "And even more so, we are not a terrorist state." "Ukraine definitely has nothing to do with this, because we are not a criminal state, which the Russian Federation is," Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said during a telethon on Ukraine's United News.

superpower 2 editor has stopped working superpower 2 editor has stopped working

As part of his role as a major propagandist for Putin over the past decade, Dugin is also considered one of the primary architects of the country's invasion of Ukraine. In the aftermath of the incident, Ukrainian officials have denied any involvement with Dugina's death, according to Pravda. While unconfirmed at this time, it has been suspected that the bomb was meant for Dugin, as it targeted his car. She was the daughter Alexander Dugin, a man who has been described as an "ideologue" and Putin's leading propagandist. The Ukrainian government has denied any involvement in the Saturday night bombing that killed the daughter of a major Vladimir Putin ally.ĭarya Dugina, 29, was killed in a car bombing on the outskirts of Moscow.

Superpower 2 editor has stopped working